The Write Connection
The Write Connection
TWC S02 E16: 2022 Updates: What's New and Amazing with Katherine
Here's what's coming up for the first few months of 2022!
Katherine’s personal alchemy of literary storytelling, human psychology, business marketing, and unwavering passion provides her with unique and powerful insight into brand stories. The Write Connection podcast is designed to help you choose the right words and stories in your business content to create authentic connections with prospects, clients, partners and colleagues.
Known internationally for her perceptive observations, her ability to write accurate descriptions, and her intuitive understanding, Katherine is passionate about creating communities filled with strong, independent businesses.
Connect with Katherine Burrows Creative
Website: https://katherineburrowscreative.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherineburrows/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katherineburrowscreative
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherineburrowscreative/
Business Character Analysis Workshop information: https://katherineburrowscreative.com/index.php
Connect with The Write Connection
Email: thewriteconnection@katherineburrowscreative.com
Platinum Podcast Production Services by Carl Richards of C.A.R.L. Speaks https://carlspeaks.ca/podcasting/
Podcast Music by Nathan Symen of NST Music: https://nst-music.bandcamp.com/
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P.S. To see if 90 Days to 90 Pages is right for your book idea, schedule a call with Katherine.
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Check out KBC's website: Katherine Burrows Creative
Email: katherine@katherineburrowscreative.com
Connect with Katherine Burrows Creative on Social Media
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherineburrows/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katherineburrowscreative
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherineburrowscreative/
Business Character Analysis Workshop information: https://katherineburrowscreative.com/index.php
Premium Podcast Production Services by Carl Richards
Podcast Music by Nathan Symen of NST Music: https://nst-music.bandcamp.com/
Intro: This is The Write Connection. This podcast is designed to help you choose the right words and stories in your business content to create authentic connections with prospects, clients, partners and colleagues. Now the host of The Write Connection, Katherine Burrows.
Katherine Burrows: Hello, and welcome to The Write Connection. So it's been a pretty busy winter, and I thought I would bring you some updates of what I have been working on. It's been a quiet season, a season of creativity and a lot of introspection and research and really narrowing down on how I want to go forward and how I can best serve my clients going forward. So, first of all, I really want to welcome my three placement students. They'll be with me through March and April this year of 2022. So I'm really going to enjoy this opportunity to experience the fresh insights they have, as well as being able to pass along some of my wisdom and experience. And it's a chance to give back to my local community. They will be working on internal projects, marketing projects, and helping with the creation of future offerings.
I had a really amazing mentor at one of my previous jobs, and I've been really privileged to be able to draw on her example as I create the tasks and frameworks to mentor these students so that I can achieve a balance between the needs of the business and the needs and the desired experiences of the students. Last year, I had one placement student and this year there were actually three who are all a really great fit for Katherine Burrow's creative. So I'm really excited for this placement to start and to get this chance to work with this amazing team of enthusiastic students. Another project that's in the works is a website refresh. We're working on new copy, new photos, new colors and new offerings. So this is really focusing in on my ideal client. Those people who really are their brand and who want to make a bigger difference in the world and we're writing a book that will help them achieve their goals.
So if you don't feel like you have the time or the skills to write a book, stay tuned for new offerings that have been created, especially with you in mind. When I was a teenager, I used to rearrange my bedroom pretty regularly, like move the furniture around and change up the decorations and all of that kind of thing. I really felt like it gave me a fresh perspective and I still tend to do that today with the changing seasons. And so I really think that this website refreshes an extension of that. And it gives me a chance to think about things from a fresh perspective and make sure that the website and my online presence continues to be a reflection of exactly where I am right now in my business and who I can best serve and how I can best serve them. Later this spring, we'll be launching a workshop, The Business Character Analysis.
So the workshop was actually offered live in 2021. And the feedback was that the participants needed more time to work through the really intensive content. And so also to make it accessible to people in locations all over the world, the content will now be launched and delivered in an asynchronous learning environment with live Q and A sessions and options for various time zones with the Q and A sessions. So I have a video shoot coming up shortly for that, for those of you who don't know my business character analysis is part of my intellectual property or IP. It's an analysis that I created where you will discover your defining characteristic, three supporting characteristics, and the culminating result who you are, is so much a part of your brand and having a strong sense of who you are and the benefits you offer to your clients is the foundation of presenting a consistent, authentic brand voice in all of your content writing.
I do the business character analysis with all of my clients as part of my onboarding process. And it's a document I refer back to often as the touchstone of all we create, I am also working on writing my own non-fiction book for my business. I'm working with a publisher on that, and this book will combine my own backstory with wisdom I've gained over the years. Some simple tips for working with a ghost writer, how to get ready to write the book that you want and how that can help you make a bigger difference for your clients around the globe. There will be some changes coming to this podcast, The Write Connection. So I'm really excited to share more of what I've learned over the years. I'll definitely be doing more interviews, but I'll also be increasing the amount of creative content. I'll be sharing some industry secrets and providing more opportunities to work with me.
I really would like to be able to tell you more about this next update, but I do have a very exciting collaboration in the works. I'm working with a colleague on a joint offering to be promoted this spring. It will be a really tremendous value because anyone who participates will get the experience of working with two experts. But I really can't say any more than that. So stay tuned you'll definitely hear about it here first. And the last thing that I want to tell you about is that I am also working on at least one fiction project for 2022. So fiction is another way that I love to combine my writing skills and my love of stories. It's something that I used to put off thinking I can't afford the time to do it right now. I really need to focus on my clients, but I started writing over the Christmas break and the more I work on my fiction project, the more I feel happy with the results of my client work.
So I really find that the creativity that I tap into while writing fiction enhances the creativity that comes out when I switch over to non-fiction. So it seems to be a bit like exercising, that creativity muscle and the more different exercises I give it, the stronger it gets. So just as this podcast has provided a really beautiful counterpoint of connection to the often isolated pursuit of writing. I find that my fiction work also compliments and enhances my non-fiction and client projects. So now I can stop feeling guilty for taking time to do something that I really love to do. Not that I don't love client work, I totally do, but I love writing fiction in a different way. And I can enjoy that change of pace with the knowledge that it brings me back to everything else, refreshed and restored and that well of creativity is refilled for all of the ways that I can serve my clients and help them to write the book they need to make a difference for their clients and in their world. So that's about it for my updates I hope that you all are staying healthy, staying safe and I look forward to talking to you next time on The Write Connection.
Outro: Thanks for listening to The Write Connection. What did you think of the show today? Give us a rating and leave us a comment if you have a question for Katherine, reach out to her by sending her an email, The Write Connection@KatherineBurrowscreative.com or visit her website, Katherineburrowscreative.com. And don't forget to follow Katherine on social media thanks again for listening to The Write Connection.