The Write Connection

TWC S02 E21 Workshop May 18: The 5 Myths Keeping You from Launching Your Book or Podcast

Katherine Burrows Season 2 Episode 21

So excited about this special crossover episode with Carl Richards to give you a sneak peek about the FREE collaborative workshop we're offering Wednesday, May 18, 2022, from noon to 1:30 pm eastern time!

Register here:

Please reach out to either of us if you have any questions. Our contact info is below.

Carl Richards has spent more than 25 years behind the microphone, entertaining and influencing audiences worldwide. He’s a TEDx Speaker and emcee, host of the Speaking of Speaking Podcast, and the founder and CEO of Carl Speaks. Carl helps entrepreneurs find their voice, launch world-class podcasts, and grow thriving and profitable businesses. He lives with his spouse in Gananoque Ontario Canada and enjoys boating in the 1000 Islands.

Connect with Carl Richards

Katherine Burrows helps purpose-driven experts make a bigger difference by getting their big ideas into books and out into the world to multiply their impact and their profit. She is known internationally for her intuitive understanding, perceptive observations, and ability to write accurate descriptions. 

Katherine hosts The Write Connection podcast, which is designed to help you choose the right words and stories in your business book to create authentic connections with your prospects, clients, network, and communities.

Katherine’s personal alchemy of literary storytelling, human psychology, business marketing, and unwavering passion provides her with the unique and powerful insight to bring out the authentic character of the expert and their business in a voice - YOUR voice - that will improve lives, influence others, and even change the world.

Connect with Katherine Burrows Creative

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P.S. To see if 90 Days to 90 Pages is right for your book idea, schedule a call with Katherine.

Book a call with Katherine: Select a Date & Time - Calendly
Check out KBC's website: Katherine Burrows Creative

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Business Character Analysis Workshop information:

Premium Podcast Production Services
by Carl Richards

Podcast Music by Nathan Symen of NST Music:

Intro: This is The Write Connection. This podcast is designed to help you choose the right words and stories in your business content to create authentic connections with prospects, clients, partners and colleagues. Now the host of The Write Connection, Katherine Burrows.

 Katherine Burrows: And welcome to The Write Connection. I feel like this is like a crossover episode, like   all those Marvel TV shows where the characters always end up on each other's show. So I feel like a superhero right now, sitting here with you 

 Carl Richards: We're here today because we are sharing something very unique. You and I have been talking for quite some time for now, how can we work together? Because we have similar services that we provide yours for the written word mine for the spoken word. So it only made sense to partner together on something that was truly amazing, magical, phenomenal, earth shattering. All of those things put together and that's without thesaurus by the way, I just wanted to let you know.

 Katherine Burrows: Well awesome. I am duly impressed. And speaking of doing two things at once, I think during one of the planning sessions where we were talking about my podcast content and my ideal audience that we really came to the conclusion that our audiences both have similar problems blocks and myths that are preventing them from getting their book or podcast to launch.

 Carl Richards: And that's why this is a very unique episode for both of us, because we're not doing a deep dive in this episode we'd like to, but what we'd really like to do is do a deeper dive with you and talk about the five myths that really are keeping you from either launching your book or launching your podcast. And Katherine, why don't we just give a little bit of a tease of what those five myths are without saying in detail what they are, I'll let you do that.

 Katherine Burrows: Okay thanks Carl. So we have narrowed it down to five myths, the money myth, the competition myth, the content myth, the tech myth and the time myth. So those are the five major blocks and myths that are keeping both of our ideal clients from launching a book or launching a podcast. And then we kind of dove deeper into that, we may have ideal clients who wanna do both of those things.

 Carl Richards: And if you're listening to this and you're hearing those myths going time yeah. That's maybe why I haven't written a book yet, money oh yeah. There's something there and all the, and the other three myths as well. Then this is definitely for you. So what is for you? What Katherine and I have done is and this is very time sensitive. So if you're hearing this past the date, you can still reach out to us to find out what our other offerings are that you might be able to take part in. But the time specific date is write this on the calendar. Better yet. Click the link in the show notes because on May 10th at 12 Eastern time, Katherine and I will be, co-presenting a lunch and learn. If you're in a different part of the world, maybe it's going to be a dinner and learn or a breakfast and learn or a snack and learn   whatever it is.

 Katherine Burrows: And it's free

 Carl Richards: And water, and yes, it's free. And we're going to be unbundling those five myths in more detail, as well as give you some insights as to some of the things, some of the advantages, some of the benefits of having a book and a podcast and some of the things you could be missing out on, if you don't have a podcast, or if you're not taking the step forward to publish a book. And as Katherine said, it is free. We're posting the link in the show notes for you to sign up. There is a zoom link that'll be, accompanied with that and some other great things too, that you'll learn in that 90 minutes.

 Katherine Burrows: Yes. So we're really looking forward to sharing all of that information with you to meeting you on zoom and being able to walk you through those five myths and not only what they are, but how to eliminate them so that you can get that book or that podcast, or maybe even both launched, get it out into that world, increase your impact, increase your reach, increase your profit, all those things. We all wanna do

 Carl Richards: Increase everything within reason, of course. And by the way, this is just the first step, this is just the first part. There will be some other things you will learn, or you will hear about in that workshop, which will move you forward, or will be the catalyst to move things for you to get your book published. We're not gonna do that, we can't do it all in 90 minutes, you can't publish a book in 90 minutes. Same as you can't launch a podcast in 90 minutes, but we'll be sharing some other exciting information with you when we do our workshop.

 Katherine Burrows: Yes. So the removal of those myths and blocks is such an important part of the pre-work that you need to do to be ready to start the actual work of launching the podcast or launching the book. So that's what we really wanna do is get you to that place where you are ready to start that work.

 Carl Richards: I'm super excited. Katherine, I know that you are equally as excited. Anything else you'd like to add or share with your audience before we do a quick wrap up.

 Katherine Burrows: I think we've done a great job of covering it. Carl, I am always,   thrilled to chat with you and thrilled to share the virtual stage with you. So, looking forward to seeing all of our listeners on may the 10th.

Outro: Thanks for listening to The Write Connection. What did you think of the show today? Give us a rating and leave us a comment if you have a question for Katherine, reach out to her by sending her an email, The Write or visit her website, And don't forget to follow Katherine on social media thanks again for listening to The Write Connection.