The Write Connection
The Write Connection
TWC S03 E10: How to Turn Your Past Trauma into Your Superpower for Life and Business with Special Guest, Anna Ditchburn
Listen to Anna's journey through trauma, turning her trauma into her superpower, and now writing her book with me to help others be just as happy on the inside as they look on the outside.
Anna's Free Breakthrough Session - https://calendly.com/annaditchburn/breakthrough-session
About Anna Ditchburn
Anna is known affectionally as the world’s best life-optimization coach. She empowers others with her ultimate courage, stories of healing and forgiveness. Systemic sexual abuse, two forced abortions by a stepfather and then sixteen consecutive miscarriages were once Anna’s only story. Now her story is that she has reclaimed her power, freed herself from the tether of shame and pain, and has made her life-purpose to help others to do the same to live the life of their dreams.
Connect with Anna Ditchburn
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P.S. To see if 90 Days to 90 Pages is right for your book idea, schedule a call with Katherine.
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Check out KBC's website: Katherine Burrows Creative
Email: katherine@katherineburrowscreative.com
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Business Character Analysis Workshop information: https://katherineburrowscreative.com/index.php
Premium Podcast Production Services by Carl Richards
Podcast Music by Nathan Symen of NST Music: https://nst-music.bandcamp.com/