The Write Connection
The Write Connection
TWC S01 E06: Storytelling Series #5: Storytelling for Your Brand
This concluding episode of the 5-part storytelling series brings together the elements of conflict, decision, and discovery to incorporate storytelling for your brand into your business content.
Creating content from your authentic business character is the best way to help your audience feel they identify with you instantly. It's the foundation of all the content I create.
Business Character Analysis Workshop information and upcoming dates: https://katherineburrowscreative.com/index.php
Music by Nathan Symen of NST Music: https://nst-music.bandcamp.com/
Platinum Podcast Production Services by Carl Richards of C.A.R.L. Speaks https://carlspeaks.ca/podcasting/
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P.S. To see if 90 Days to 90 Pages is right for your book idea, schedule a call with Katherine.
Book a call with Katherine: Select a Date & Time - Calendly
Check out KBC's website: Katherine Burrows Creative
Email: katherine@katherineburrowscreative.com
Connect with Katherine Burrows Creative on Social Media
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherineburrows/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katherineburrowscreative
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherineburrowscreative/
Business Character Analysis Workshop information: https://katherineburrowscreative.com/index.php
Premium Podcast Production Services by Carl Richards
Podcast Music by Nathan Symen of NST Music: https://nst-music.bandcamp.com/